About Us

Learn, Partner, Earn!


Our goal is to teach you how to establish your multifamily investment foundation, help set up your business, understand the intricacies of this type of investing and ultimately partner with you on commercial real estate investments!


We help you learn the business from the beginning, from establishing your LLC to networking and broker relationships, analyzing property offers, underwriting, due diligence, capital raising, partnering, closing and asset management! 


Ken & Rachael Wick


Our Philosophy

Our relationship with our students goes beyond simply learning how to work with multifamily real estate. Wewant our students to continue to have a relationship with us so that we can partner together, advance everyone’s legacy and give back to our communities!

Our Process

– We teach in in person where our students can see, touch and experience multifamily properties and learn directly from us<br>
– We teach online the how-to’s of setting up your business<br>
– We carry our relationship forward and pursue partnership opportunities with our students

Expert Educational Program



“I want to give a shout out to Ken and Rachel and their ‘Earn as you learn multifamily’ course.

I’ve been investing passively in several multifamily syndications but really didn’t know what to look for when looking at a deal.  I’ve also been considering getting into the General Partner side of multifamily projects, but I didn’t really know how.

Joining the Earn as you learn program allowed me to invest in a good project and dip my toes into the General partnership side things.  The course really helped me understand what goes into starting the business, how to find deals, underwrite those deals, and see all the small nuances that are often overlooked that can greatly affect the outcome.

The experience has greatly increased my knowledge of what to look for in a multifamily property and has also helped me know what to ask a sponsor as I evaluate investing passively in deals.

I loved how Ken and Rachel taught.  They taught in a way that if you didn’t know anything you would understand what the next step in the process was.  They made it simple while making it high level enough that no matter what your experience is, you will gain something.

I highly recommend the course.  I learned a ton and really enjoyed being a part of the class.”

David M


start learning today!

Let’s chat about how we can help you on your multifamily syndication and partnering journey!